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Debate at Northland

The Northland Christian Debate team is already respected at local, state and national tournaments. Established in 2004, Northland has already seen a rich history of winning. Coached by some of the nation’s leading lawyers and support team, these students are well prepared when entering a meet and continue to rise to the top.

The Northland Debate program was established for the purpose of producing Christian leaders by developing their critical thinking and persuasive speaking skills through the activity of debate.

Today, Northland Debate travels across the nation competing against schools much larger and still bring home the hardware. It’s strong foundation will allow Northland to have continued success. The team will always stand true to its values of Christ-like actions, hard work, and an environment of friendship and fun.

Director of Debate – Courtney Coffman

Middle School

MS Debate
1 semester
The purpose of this course is to provide a fun learning environment where students develop verbal, organizational, research and critical thinking skills. Through preparation and presentation, class members gain self-confidence that will impact all areas of life. Students will learn the fundamentals and participate in giving informative and persuasive speeches, impromptu speaking and Lincoln Douglas Debate. All students will participate in a variety of speeches throughout the course. Students may take this course in seventh and eighth grade if desired. Class size is limited.

High School

HS Debate and Public Speaking I&II
9th-10th grades ~ full year
As a student in this class, you become a member of the nationally recognized Northland Christian School Debate Team. This class is intended to provide classroom focus for learning speech and debate skills for students that are in their first year on the debate team. The course focuses exclusively on debate and public speaking events such as Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate, Extemporaneous Speaking, Oratory, Impromptu Speaking and Student Congress. This class is designed to foster critical thinking and argumentative abilities which are crucial to success in college and beyond. Students will be introduced to various reasoning devices, research skills, organizational skills, and critical verbal persuasive skills. Through public speaking practice in the classroom and in competition, students will develop the communication skills that they will utilize in academic, social, and workplace settings. The Debate and Public Speaking curriculum is designed to balance lecture with skills development in a practical, fun environment. As a member of the debate team you will compete against both public and private schools locally, throughout Texas, and at national tournaments in other states. Students are required to attend five tournaments during the school year. Class size is limited.

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