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Northland Cheerleading

Varsity Cheer Program

Northland Varsity Cheer is open to girls enrolled in grades 9 through 12. Northland cheerleaders have the privilege of creating and encouraging school spirit in this year-round commitment. The purpose of the Northland cheerleading program is to promote positive school spirit, Christian leadership and values, good sportsmanship, high standards of conduct and morality, athletic training, and team unity. Positions on the cheer team are attained through individual tryouts, which are held in the Spring of every year. All squad members must meet skill-based, academic, and strict character requirements. The Northland cheerleaders cheer at all varsity football and basketball games, several themed Pep Rallies, and other sporting and charity events throughout the year. The Northland cheerleading program is a long-standing tradition of Christ-centered excellence.

2024-25 Varsity Cheerleaders

  • Celeste Amezquita
  • Makena Elswick
  • Libby Frank
  • Emma Gilliland
  • Addi White
  • Gio Amezquita – Cougar Mascot

Middle School Cheer Program
The Northland Middle School Cheer program is a spirit-filled athletic team of young Christian leaders. The MS Cheer program is open to all Northland girls enrolled in grades 6th-8th for tryouts in the Spring of every year. The squad cheers at middle school football and volleyball events. The squad has also had the privilege of performing at high school pep rallies and varsity football games. The MS Cheer squad focuses practice time on team building, leadership training, character building, sideline cheers, sideline dances, halftime dance routines, and stunting.

2024-25 Middle School Cheerleaders

  • Isabella Calle
  • Tabitha Dollak
  • Finley Donaho
  • Arianna Jimenez
  • Sophia Jones
  • Loghan McDonald
  • Emma Ramirez-Davila
  • Valerie Schubert
  • Samari Strickland


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