Phone: (281) 440-1060

Uniform / Spirit Wear

Northland Uniform / Spirit Wear

Shop our Online Stores!
Families purchase school uniforms through Lands’ End and spirit wear/outer wear through Northland’s online spirit stores (Action Wear Plus and BSN Sports).



BSN Spirit Store

Shop customizable spirit items delivered directly to your home.
Please note: BSN is an online store only.


Shop Now

  • Products are for students, staff, and families for spirit wear
  • Ship to home (approx. 2 week turnaround)
  • Choose your item, design and color
  • Add grad year, jersey number, family member etc.
  • Items available: spirit shirts, pullovers, hoodies, shorts, hats, beanies, gym cinch bag, stadium seats, and more to come.
  • BSN Info page


Please contact Melanie Owens if you have any questions (

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