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For the past two weekends, Northland Orchestra students have participated in TPSMEA Region Orchestras, in both the North and South Regions. Students audition for placement with musicians across North and South Texas, and 100% of the students who auditioned from Northland earned a spot in these orchestras. Our middle school students made up over half […]



National and State Success for Northland Christian Debate

National and State Success for Northland Christian Debate Northland Christian Debaters are wrapping up their regular season with great results in the city, state, and across the nation! This year the team has traveled to Dallas, Austin, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Durham, and Berkeley to compete at national competitions attracting the top competitors in the country. After four […]


Campus-Wide News, Featured

Northland Christian School Welcomes Dr. Ryan Berens as New Head of School

Houston, TX – Northland Christian School, a premiere private K-12 college preparatory school in the Northwest Houston and Spring area, is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Ryan Berens as the new Head of School. Dr. Berens, a seasoned educational leader with over twenty years of experience in Christian education, joins Northland Christian School […]


ACTS + Giving Gown

Help to inspire and empower teen girls, ONE DRESS AT A TIME! Since 2007, The Giving Gown has provided a prom outreach that supplies all the prom necessities for girls – FREE of charge. What began as an outreach to just under 100 girls has grown to an annual weekend of over 1000! We realize […]


Order Your Valentine’s Gifts Today!

Order Your Valentine’s Gifts Today! Looking to show your love to someone special at Northland this Valentine’s Day?  From sweet treats to singing telegrams, we’ve got just the thing for the occasion. All proceeds go towards the NCS 2025 graduating class.


Campus-Wide News

ACTS Meals on Wheels – Valentine Tray Treat

  Do you need more ACTS service hours? We’ve got a fun Valentine’s Day craft project to help our friends at Meals on Wheels. Follow the instructions below to learn how to create beautiful paper fortune cookies and help brighten the day of someone in need. Students will earn 1 service hour for each 6 […]


Campus-Wide News, Featured


  We are excited to announce that our Esports Team has expanded to include both Middle School and High School, and invite you to join us on this thrilling journey! TAPPS esports leagues will be powered by Vanta’s kid-safe, COPPA-compliant platform and enable member schools to compete in top esports titles while focusing on in-game […]


Campus-Wide News

Preschool & Kindergarten Preview

Friday, February 2nd @ 8:45 AM It’s time to enroll your young scholar into our preschool or kindergarten class for the 2024-2025 school year! Come and see for yourself why Northland Christian is the best choice for your family. Caring Teachers & Staff Parent Friendly Campus World Class Curriculum & Activities At our NCS Preview, […]


Campus-Wide News

Souper Bowl of Caring

We are excited to join the nationwide campaign, Souper Bowl of Caring, to collect food next week to be given to the Manna Pantry at Bammel Church of Christ. Bringing the items listed below EACH day will allow you to wear spirit wear that day. High School students, you will give your items to your […]


Campus-Wide News


Student Council is hosting its second blood drive of the year for the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center on Wednesday, January 24th from 9:30-3:30. We welcome all Northland staff and parents to give as each donation saves three lives! Donors will receive a quarter zip pullover for their donation. You can click on this link and make your appointment today:


Continuous Enrollment Now Open

Hello, and thank you for choosing to be part of our Northland family. We are thrilled with everything our students have accomplished this past semester and look forward to what their futures have in store, as surely you are as well. At Northland, we strive to foster a culture of Christ, Community, Leadership and Giving, […]


Campus-Wide News

Family Night at Northland

Family Night is your chance to connect with other families, make new friends, and see all that Northland offers.